Monday, March 28, 2016

My Vegan Journey So Far!

I've been making an effort to eat vegan since January. Have I been perfectly eating vegan? No. It's very difficult! Especially for someone who loves cheese! I did a lot of research though (someone everyone who considers veganism should do!) and it was encouraging to read that a lot of people had difficulty going vegan. It takes time and it's a process. It did help that I was already a fish-eating vegetarian so at least that made it a little easier. I also had a friend that went vegan during lent. He used every 10 days to cut out more and more things until he reached veganism. There's a lot of different ways you can transition so I encourage you, if you're thinking about going vegan find a plan to help you as you transition because it's very difficult.

BUT, the main thing that helped me was learning was vegan foods I enjoyed eating. I LOVE making little burrito bowels out of rice, corn, beans, lentils, and olives! That really helped a lot because it was so filling and yummy! I also love oatmeal. I would get plain oats and make oatmeal with water or almond milk, coconut flakes, and chia seeds! So good!

So how has veganism helped me so far? IN SO MANY WAYS!

1. I've lost 10 pounds EASILY! Like, I've barely even tried! It just started happening! I don't feel hungry and I am eating a lot but because of the foods I'm consuming I am losing weight!

2. I feel more energetic! Which helps with weight loss because I actually WANT to workout! I feel like I'm constantly hyped up on coffee...but without the actual coffee!

3. My skin is clearing up! I've always had acne; from my face to my back, to my legs and arms! But now that I'm eating vegan my acne is really starting to improve! My skin isn't perfect but there's definitely a change!

4. My brain feels "clearer"! If that makes any sense! I feel like I'm more awake and like I can think better and function better! I tend to have a "half-awake" brain but since going vegan I feel like it's "waking up"!

5. I've been less depressed and moody! I've struggled with depression since my early teens I always found that eating healthier helped a lot but going vegan has helped TREMENDOUSLY! I feel happy and awake and ready to take on the world! I'm sure I'll still have bad days (who doesn't?) but at least I've been free of a crippling depression since going vegan!

Now, did I immediately start feeling amazing the day I went vegan? NO! It took about 2-3 weeks before I started noticing any differences. The first week was rough because I was trying to figure out what I could eat and what foods were vegan or not. But once I got the hang of my diet and started sticking to it I started feeling better within 2 weeks!
Now remember, I was a fish-eating vegetarian so I don't know how long the process will be for a meat-eater. It may take longer to feel a change and I do know sometimes people who vegan experience a kind of withdraw and will feel tired and weak until their body can adjust.

I've never felt better in my life, and I am not lying or exaggerating!
Vegan is THE healthiest diet you can have! And no, it's not a temporary's a lifelong choice! No diet should ever be temporary or you'll have temporary results. If you're someone who can't go completely vegan just try eating vegan one or two days a week! Even small changes can produce big results if you stick to it!

This is my journey - what's your journey to veganism been like? I'd love to hear your story!

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