Monday, April 25, 2016

Follow My Instagram Account!

So far in my vegan journey I've encountered a lot of rude comments, arguments, and stupid jokes about my choices. I usually tend to get my "feathers" ruffled quite easily so instead, I'm turning all the bull-crap I've heard and dealt with from people into humor. It's very sarcastic humor, mind you, so don't follow if you're easily offended. I've titled my instagram "the_vegan_comedian" and I hope to bring some laughter to all vegans and non-vegans everywhere!

Click HERE to go to my Instagram page and show me some love! xoxo

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

My Favorite Vegan Celebs.

So veganism is becoming more and more popular among the stars. Some famous vegans include Ellen Degeneres, Miley Cyrus, Liam Hemsworth, and Ariana Grande. But listed below are some celebs that I didn't know were vegan until recently and it seriously made me so happy because even before knowing they were vegan I loved them. Now I have even more reason to love them!

1. DAVEY HAVOK - He's the first on my list because I literally just discovered yesterday that he was vegan. He's also first on my list because he's one of my favorite singers! He's the lead singer of AFI (one of my favorite bands) and Blaqk Audio. Not only is he vegan, but he's also straight edge, meaning he doesn't drink, smoke, or engage in promiscuous sex. So he's just plain awesome all around. And, he's pretty attractive.... haha.

2. EVANNA LYNCH - She's the girl who played Luna Lovegood in the Harry Potter films, OH YEA NOW YOU KNOW WHO I'M TALKING ABOUT. Haha. She's so cute! Such a plus to know she's vegan! How awesome is that?

3. GWEN STEFANI - Not only is she a great singer but her body is ROCKIN'! That all makes sense now that I've learned that she's vegan! 

So there's my top picks! Who are some of your favorite vegan celebrities? Comment below! xoxo

Detox/Cleanses are CRAP!

I absolutely CAN NOT stand these companies who sell these silly little shakes and pills to "cleanse" and "detoxify" your body. Yea, I used to be on the cleanse-train but I quickly found it that it's a bunch of crap, literally.
You want to know what cleansing REALLY is? Cleansing is pooping out all that built up crap inside you. Yea, you'll lose weight fast, BUT it's just water weight and all that excess poop. You're not really going to lose fat. Which let's be honest, women (and men) don't really care about losing just WEIGHT. They want to lose MASS or FAT. If you're really honest with yourself it's not about the number; it's about how well you fit into your clothes and how good you look.
Take a look at all the stories and testimonies you see about people on these cleanses. Compare their pictures. You'll notice that they've lost the most amount of inches in the waist, which is where most water weight is stored and which is where your intestines are (aka: where your poop is). You will see some legit weight loss for some people who do the cleanse program but that is most likely a result from their exercise and diet changes that go along with these cleanses. Yea, you heard me right, they exercised and dieted as well. See, these companies package it as just a cleanse but then they'll also mention down at the bottom "get the best results with a diet and exercise program". They use that initial hook of getting you to crap out all your water weight and built up poop which gets you motivated to eat better and workout when you see the number on the scale dropping. So, when people lose weight they think it was the cleanse that did it but really it was because they WORKED OUT and ATE, who would've thought? (sarcasm)

LET ME TELL YOU MY STORY before you write me off as someone who hasn't actually tried or experienced cleanses, and you think I'm just being mean.

I've struggled with bulimia since I was in my early teens. I used to sneak the senna tablets (which are "all natural" laxatives) from my parents medicine cabinet and take them if I felt like I ate too much. I usually took them before bed and the next morning I'd wake up to that awful feeling that you had diarrhea. I'd poop a whole lot and jump on the scale and either I wouldn't have gained any weight from my binge OR I'd actually lose a pound or two. My stomach would look so nice and thin and even though it was a painful and quite disgusting process, I thought it was worth it. Well, once my parents got rid of the senna because they caught onto me, I started stealing laxatives from the store and once I got my own money I started buying laxatives and weight loss teas. Both the simple pill laxatives that are meant for people with constipation AND the weight loss tea which you can find in the FITNESS section had the SAME affect; diarrhea. Yet one was considered a medicine and the other was considered a weight loss aid. Hmmmmm, what's wrong with that now?
The "weight loss tea" aka herbal laxative tea, claimed to help you shed pounds and lose inches. I saw advertisements about it in fitness magazines and thought "oh, this is good for you"! Hah, yea right. Well, my body started relying on these laxatives and teas and eventually I couldn't poop unless I had taken a laxative. Yuck. I got so blocked up and sick and so I realized that I should stop; especially with the history my family has had with stomach and intestinal issues.
SO, I weaned myself off of them and a couple years down the road I'm seeing all these things about SHAKES that do the same thing. They promise that they'll cleanse your system and reduce belly bloat. I'm actually seeing an ad on TV right now about a shake. Hah, that's funny.
Anyway, so these shakes are supposed to be full of greens, protein, digestive enzymes, etc. so they sound so good and healthy! And don't get me wrong, some are healthier than others...but in the end their claim to "cleanse" your body is a bunch of lies. Your body naturally cleanses itself if you're eating right and getting in enough water.
I've tried some shakes, and I'm not rude enough to throw names and companies under the bus because this isn't a shake review, but let me tell you, THEY'RE A WASTE OF MONEY. Good for a quick meal if you're running late and need a quick breakfast or snack? Yes, but not for an entire diet. You really want to live off of just shakes for the rest of your life? Nah, not me.

These companies who sell "fit" teas, juice cleanses, pill cleanses, weight loss shakes, and whatever else they've come up with are only interested in one thing: YOUR MONEY! They sell overpriced protein shakes and overpriced laxative tea and people are dumb enough to buy it. I was dumb enough to buy it. Don't be like me; be smarter than I was.

Think about this: there are SO many programs and diets and cleanses and shakes....and yet America and the WORLD is fatter than ever. We're not getting any skinnier following all these fads! In fact, if you participate in these cleanses and detoxes you're actually harming your body and killing your metabolism and you'll end up gaining weight in the end!

If you want more scientific info other than my personal experience seriously just Goodle "why cleanses are bad for you". There's TONS of articles out there explaining how they end up killing your metabolism! Two articles I recently read are from and so go ahead and read those as well, don't just take my word for it!

We all know I'm vegan so here's my time to preach: GO VEGAN! It's the only 100% effective way to not only lose weight BUT get healthy! Vegans have been proven to be skinnier and healthier than the average omnivore. Just google studies about it! But see, the problem is nobody wants to work hard and make dietary sacrifices to lose weight. We all want a fast easy fix. We think "Ooooo a chocolate shake EVERYDAY and I'll lose weight! HOW AMAZING!" and we fall into this money trap where the only thing we really end up losing at the end of the day is our money......and that's not what you want. You want to REALLY lose weight and experience and better, happier, healthier life? Go vegan. Seriously...just go vegan.

Have a good day!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Cruel-Free Beauty Picks! April Edition: Skincare.

For April I'm choosing to list cruel-free skincare products since this month is all about fresh April showers and new budding life! Let's talk about keeping our skin clean and fresh!

1. Pacifica Kale Detox Deep Cleaning Face Wash - $10 on
This face wash is AMAZING! My new favorite! It's light and fresh, has a really nice scent, and helps with my acne-prone skin! I've had a lot of compliments about how clear my skin has been looking since using this wash!

2. Pacifica Cactus Water Lotion - $18 on
I know, another Pacifica product! But I love their stuff! I pair this face lotion with the kale detox wash and it's amazing! Again, it's light and fresh and yet even though it's a light moisturizer it keeps my skin soft all day! I have combination skin so it's difficult for me to find something that moisturizes AND keeps my skin clear. This stuff is working wonders! LOVE IT!

I love SheaMoisture products but this body wash is definitely my favorite! This is a perfect body-acne-fighting-non-irritating wash for all skin types; especially those with sensitive or acne prone skin! It supposedly even helps with eczema and psoriasis! 

Hope you enjoyed my April picks! What are YOUR favorite cruel-free skincare products? Share below!

Monday, March 28, 2016

My Vegan Journey So Far!

I've been making an effort to eat vegan since January. Have I been perfectly eating vegan? No. It's very difficult! Especially for someone who loves cheese! I did a lot of research though (someone everyone who considers veganism should do!) and it was encouraging to read that a lot of people had difficulty going vegan. It takes time and it's a process. It did help that I was already a fish-eating vegetarian so at least that made it a little easier. I also had a friend that went vegan during lent. He used every 10 days to cut out more and more things until he reached veganism. There's a lot of different ways you can transition so I encourage you, if you're thinking about going vegan find a plan to help you as you transition because it's very difficult.

BUT, the main thing that helped me was learning was vegan foods I enjoyed eating. I LOVE making little burrito bowels out of rice, corn, beans, lentils, and olives! That really helped a lot because it was so filling and yummy! I also love oatmeal. I would get plain oats and make oatmeal with water or almond milk, coconut flakes, and chia seeds! So good!

So how has veganism helped me so far? IN SO MANY WAYS!

1. I've lost 10 pounds EASILY! Like, I've barely even tried! It just started happening! I don't feel hungry and I am eating a lot but because of the foods I'm consuming I am losing weight!

2. I feel more energetic! Which helps with weight loss because I actually WANT to workout! I feel like I'm constantly hyped up on coffee...but without the actual coffee!

3. My skin is clearing up! I've always had acne; from my face to my back, to my legs and arms! But now that I'm eating vegan my acne is really starting to improve! My skin isn't perfect but there's definitely a change!

4. My brain feels "clearer"! If that makes any sense! I feel like I'm more awake and like I can think better and function better! I tend to have a "half-awake" brain but since going vegan I feel like it's "waking up"!

5. I've been less depressed and moody! I've struggled with depression since my early teens I always found that eating healthier helped a lot but going vegan has helped TREMENDOUSLY! I feel happy and awake and ready to take on the world! I'm sure I'll still have bad days (who doesn't?) but at least I've been free of a crippling depression since going vegan!

Now, did I immediately start feeling amazing the day I went vegan? NO! It took about 2-3 weeks before I started noticing any differences. The first week was rough because I was trying to figure out what I could eat and what foods were vegan or not. But once I got the hang of my diet and started sticking to it I started feeling better within 2 weeks!
Now remember, I was a fish-eating vegetarian so I don't know how long the process will be for a meat-eater. It may take longer to feel a change and I do know sometimes people who vegan experience a kind of withdraw and will feel tired and weak until their body can adjust.

I've never felt better in my life, and I am not lying or exaggerating!
Vegan is THE healthiest diet you can have! And no, it's not a temporary's a lifelong choice! No diet should ever be temporary or you'll have temporary results. If you're someone who can't go completely vegan just try eating vegan one or two days a week! Even small changes can produce big results if you stick to it!

This is my journey - what's your journey to veganism been like? I'd love to hear your story!